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Writer's pictureKayla Currica

Flipping Back into Action

YES! if you been following my personal pages, or herd through the grapevine Coach Kayla is coming back to the gymnastics world, well... the rumors are CORRECT!

After the gymnastics community was rocked by COVID and trying to hold on tight as a single mama and trying to make it in the world I left the community December 2020. Where did I go? I vanished into a new industry of warehouse work, the schedule worked, the pay was good I couldn't refuse. I tried working the 3rd shift while coaching and being a single mama. It was exhausting!

December 2020 I was in an awful accident. From working in the cheer gym from 4 to 830PM, rushing to drop kids off at my parents to get to work (that was a little over a hour away), to work till 4am, come home, get about an hour of sleep, get up again and start my children's online learning.... it was too much. On December 7th 2020 I had barely gotten any sleep and well.... yup if you guessed I fell asleep driving home on the highway... I SURE DID! How did I walk away from this I HAVE NO IDEA ! Everyone was shocked I was still alive. I guess you can say God knew it wasn't my time but needed to wake me up and redirect my life for a little. So I left coaching to stay with a stable job or as some would say "grown up job". Over the last almost 2 years, not coaching was weighing on me. As I became a manager at this facility, I was excited I got to help change lives in a different way! But its not the same, not even close. It is NOT what I thought, I cant help people the way I wish I could, and lets be honest dealing with adults vs children is a different world and a big learning curve for me. I do like my job, but do i LOVE IT? I realized I was missing something.... I started to feel as if I was just living day to day and not making any impact to the world. I realized I am now just living the average life. THAT IS NOT ME!

After many recent days crying on the way to work, after work, and even in the shower. It made me sit down and really think about why I am feeling the way I am feeling. I am living an OK life. (in a vary negative world) My kids are fed, clothed and have a roof. WHY ISNT THIS GOOD ENOUGH?

Finally one of my dearest friends Ryan sat me down and started talking about coaching, I started to cry and realized OMG this is what is missing!!! He mentioned to me "who is kayla if shes not Coach Kayla?" and I couldn't answer. I started reading emails from past gymnasts, emails from parents on how I have been such a great influence to their daughters life, watching videos they sent me when I left the community, looking back at posts... and I saw how my light had dimmed. How could I tell anyone to keep sparkling and follow the stars if I wasn't my self doing this. I let my light dim to where it is barely shinning.

I had dipped my feet in the typical job world and the not so typical world. I needed those smiles again, laughs, silly jokes, positive energy and to make an impact again! A job is a job income is income, but what makes a difference is if YOU LOVE WHAT YOU DO! if you ARE PASSIONATE ABOUT YOUR CAREER! I left my career in my 16th season, It was a great year to leave after taking a team who was barely winning and leading them into one of the biggest forces to go against! I am known for taking nothing and making something, taking gymnasts who might not of gotten on a team at one gym but on my team it was about passion and the heart of the gymnasts with those anything is possible and I have proven that time and time again in my career. I NEEDED THIS AGAIN!!!!! I NEED TO BE ME AGAIN! I NEED TO INSPIRE AND TRANSFORM! Mentor again! Surround my self with positive!

So I made a call this past weekend and my gosh shes so delighted to get Starbucks and talk this up coming Tuesday! I had denied her many times in joining forces with her as I did many of gyms over the past year or so. (and if you ask no my mother the Legend as some of you call her is not coming back lol I know you will always continue to ask but she is vary much so enjoying her retirement and her grandchildren)

I will not say where just yet... but stay posted for more!

All in all ... you can take a gymnasts out of the gym.. but you cant take the gym away from a gymnast.


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